Gwendolyn McIntosh (Miss Bev.), late of Mount Pelier, St James, died on September 30, 2018.
She died leaving husband: Hensly, 7 children: Maria, Ralston (Bun up), Lincoln, Greg (Bud), Owen (Delta), Dwayne (Bulla), Tereika (Ter), 18 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren, mother: Eunice Haughton, 3 brothers, 3 sisters, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
The funeral service will be held on Saturdsay, November 10, 2018 at Triumphant Deliverance Centre, Mount Carey at 11:00 am.
Interment follows in the Anglican Church Cemetery, Mt. Pellier, St. James.
Offer Condolence for the family of Gwendolyn McIntosh (Miss Bev.)
I’m very very sorry for your loss of your loved one. Please find comfort in the heartwarming promise Christ extends to our loved ones who have fallen asleep in death, John 5:28,29